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Using Google For Calculations and Conversions (Metric, Distance, ANYTHING!)

Heh. Other than performing searches, Google’s actually great for calculations and conversions. For instance, try typing:

23oz to ml

to convert ounces to millilitres. I haven’t found anything that Google couldn’t convert — I’ve tried converting distances (km, m, cm, inches), volume (l, ml, oz, gm, m, kg) and even currency, like so:

USD10 to SGD10

Google also works as a math calculator, so you can even type our calculations like:

2 * 6

and Google with give you the answer. It works with more advanced functions too, such as:

(23^2) mod 2

which is essentially 23 to the power of 2, then perform a modulos 2 operation. Cool stuff! The only problem with this is that you’ll need an Internet connection, so if you’re offline, all these functions are unavailable to you.

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